
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Rabbis’ Primary Role In Judaism On Purpose™: a guide by the side rather than a sage on the stage

Given the mission of Judaism On Purpose™ A Pathway Meaning – is solely (and soul-ie) to ‘re-ignite personalized individualized meaning IN one’s life to matter INside out through Judaic connection  again  as a stepping stone for return, the emphasis of the Rabbi’s role is that of spiritual resource as a concierge of meaning© rather than that of spiritual leader. The priority of concierge of meaning allows focus and concentration on meaning IN the individual members life – without the duties of fund raising, being a CEO, life cycle events (which are optional), etc…            One Rabbi of blessed memory relayed to me that in Rabbinic ordination, the Rabbi is correct even when he is wrong. If he was correct, this puts the Rabbi in the position of being like The Pope in Catholicism   – being infallible –  the  final ‘answer’ man or woman’  And yet per Torah – the Israelites, the Hebrews – thus Jews (not the...

Finding Yourself In Torah 'Defining Moments' The 1st to be 2nd Bar Mitzvah

Defining Moments Those aha moments - some would say 'chokamah' moments Those moments to connect one - sometimes turning points - and flashes that then or in retrospect put it all together - and make sense Regardless of the failure for most of the 1st Bar Mitzvah - the 1st to be 2nd Bar/Bat Mitzvah process (especially for those who have been seasoned by life) in finding themselves in Torah through the Judaism On Purpose(tm) process becomes a recollection and yet a step forward to share with family and friends - and most of all Hashem Am Except My One Day - 1st to be 2nd Bar Mitzvah - Finding Myself In Torah Jacob (Yaakov) was left alone. And a man (an angel- some say Esau’s angel) wrestled with him until the break of dawn. When he saw that he had now prevailed against him (Jacob), he wrenched Jacob’s hip at its socket, so that the socket of his hip was strained as he wrestled with Jacob. Then he (the angel) said, “Let me go for dawn is breaking.” But Jacob answered “I will not l...